Multiply with RACA

3rd June 2024

Multiply – making numbers count

“Feeling confident with numbers and maths helps everyday life.” That’s the opinion of Sandra Brown, who is co-ordinating the Multiply programme for Renfrewshire residents, groups and organisations.

“You might be helping your children with their homework. You might need to work out measurements and cooking times to cook a meal. You might be working out your household bills for this month.

“All these things will be a little bit easier if you’re confident using numbers.”

Multiply is now in its second year and helps adults (16+) become more confident in using numbers and maths in everyday life through a range of free activities, delivered through a range of partners throughout Renfrewshire. Funding is provided through the UK Shared Prosperity, managed by Renfrewshire Council.

RACA is taking part! Get in touch and we will come to your service to deliver the workshop and provide you with some goodies to take away too.

Our workshop is focussed on everyday spending and borrowing money

In each session we will

  • Play Snakes and Ladders to help understand credit scores
  • Play Giant Tower to see how income and outgoings affect your spending
  • Play our True Costs of Borrowing quiz by competing with other group members
  • This workshop is suitable for everyone.

We would love to work with you if you run a community group or support people. Can you afford to miss this? Let us help you to add it all up.

Other partners offering activities include:

  • KLAS Care in Linwood run Multiply sessions called ‘Fun with Numbers’ to help people gain confidence with numbers and then learn how to support their children with homework. They’re free and they’re designed to be fun! They also have a creche, so you don’t have to worry about looking after the kids while you’re learning.
  • RAMH (Recovery Across Mental Health) have a new five-week Nutrition with Numbers course. You can improve numeracy skills and learn the wellbeing benefits of a healthy and balanced diet.
  • VIAS (Values Into Action Scotland) have money management courses for people with learning disabilities.
  • West College Scotland are signing people up now for a Multiply learning programme which leads to an SQA qualification.
  • Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau have a new Multiply-Figure It Out programme helping you gain confidence and skills in money management.
  • Practical Maths for Work (Hands On) with Barnardo’s
    • Gain confidence with numbers through practical carpentry and countryside management.
    • Working outdoors, you’ll learn practical skills while building bird boxes, benches and decorative bricks. Learn how to plan, cost and measure materials. Learn about units of measurement and ratios. Work with money, costing individual units and working out potential profits.
    • All sessions at held in Barnardo’s Community Garden.

Please get in touch with Yvonne with Multiply

You can get more information about the programme (and try a short numeracy quiz) by clicking on the link Help to use numbers and improve maths skills (Multiply) – Renfrewshire Website

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