Advice Works | Talk Money Week 2021

2nd November 2021

We are looking forward to hosting our upcoming Talk Money Week Event on Tuesday 9th November from 10am. We have an exciting and packed agenda for the session including a presentation from our guest speaker, Lynne Kerr, Senior Service Delivery Officer from ‘Advice Works’ (Renfrewshire Council Benefits and Advice Services). 

Lynne explained the services available from Advice Works:

“Our advisers speak with people every day who think they’re not entitled to any extra financial help but have never checked. We often identify benefits that people didn’t know about, for example, help with Council Tax, benefits for those with disabilities including children, and support for carers.

We know working out what to claim can be confusing, but our trained advisors can make sure you and your family are getting everything you should be. Please contact Advice Works on 0300 300 1238 or email us on and we would be delighted to help.”

Lynne will be presenting on the benefits take-up campaign at our event on November 9.

Whether you are voluntary or public sector, if you support clients who would benefit from making improved choices about credit, then you are welcome to attend. You will hear from a range of speakers and have a chance to ask questions. to register for the session.

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